Area (km2) 14,030Altitude (m) 23Mediterranean Coastline (km) 160
Administrative Structure
District Number 13Municipal Number 53Number of villages 468
The population of Adana
Adana Province Population 1,849,478Metropolitan population 1,130,710
Population density
Population Density (km2) to 178Seyhan County Population Density 1762324 Yuregir County Population Density
Population Growth Rate
Turkey Population Growth Rate ‰ 18:28Population Growth Rate 17.71 ‰City Population Growth Rate 21.70 ‰Rural Population Growth Rate 6.29 ‰Metropolitan Population Growth Rate 21.04 ‰Population living in cities, 75.58%24.42% of the population living in villagesABOUT ADANA
MUNICIPAL province of Adana, village and neighborhood traditions LIST OF 2006 SHOWSDISTRICT NO KAS.BEL.AD. S. NUMBER OF VILLAGE FIRST MAH.ADEDİ KAD.BL.1 ALADAĞ 1 7 262 CEYHAN 11 59 703 FEKE 7 394 İMAMOĞLU 6 185 KARAİSALI 15 60 2KARATAS 2 7 37 6KOZAN 2 7 16 86POZANTI 1 8 10 169 Saimbeyli 3 25SEYHAN 10 108 2 2I 1 5 29 11 TufanbeyliOvarian 3 12 18 1513 YUREGIR 1126 44 13SEYHAN BARAJI
Adana, southern Turkey, Mediterranean Region, the Department of the Eastern Mediterranean in the 14,030 km ² and a population of 1,849,478 (SIS, 2000 census) is a province with. 1,130,710 population of Adana city stop. Adana province, with 13 administrative districts, 9 sub-districts and 547 villages composed. Provincial center of Adana and Cukurova Delta, which is Turkey's most important agricultural production areas and is mainly located in the agricultural production and agro-based industry development and intensive economy. The city of Adana, Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers formed by the Çukurova Delta in the north to the
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